What is the Best Age for Your Child to Get Orthodontic Braces? 1

What is the Best Age for Your Child to Get Orthodontic Braces?

childrenWhat Is The Best Age For Your Child To Get Orthodontic Braces?

Orthodontic braces aid in correction of crooked teeth. Usually, an Orthodontist recommends the procedure after critical evaluation on positioning of teeth and jaw that affect chewing, swallowing as well as appearance. According to professionals in the field, braces are worn between 12 to 30 months depending on complexity of the patient’s case. However, there is no time limit to the procedure considering individual cases may respond to the treatment in different ways.

There are three primary reasons that attribute to the treatment procedure extension to 30 months and beyond. These include;

  • Beginning the procedure before complete loss of baby teeth
  • Untimely surgical procedures and tooth extraction
  • Mid-course shift of treatment plan from the original

Evidently, timely placement of the orthodontic braces is critical for quick and effective treatment. Nevertheless, the decision to begin the procedure is beyond an Orthodontist and a patient. Parents have a major role in determining when their child should begin the treatment. Previously, teenagers and adults dominated the orthodontic clientele because of the need to improve appearance. Today, the orthodontic braces are increasingly becoming common among children. It is critical for parents, especially mothers, to keep a close eye on their children’s teeth alignment. Specialists recommend treatment in early years of tooth development because it is less costly. The procedure also takes a relatively shorter period on kids as compared to adults.

An Orthodontist’s appointment is critical if any abnormally is noticed. There is no room for ignorance considering it does not take any special skill for a mother to notice crooked teeth or misaligned chewing. Although consultants differ on appropriate time of Orthodontic braces placement to children, there are other Orthodontic appliances besides braces. Hence, it is never too early for a mother to book an Orthodontic appointment for a child.

Orthodontic braces are more effective after growth of permanent teeth. Usually, this is at the age of seven. Although placing the braces earlier than 7 years can still be effective depending on the kid’s complication; the procedure is likely to be more complicated and exceed the standard twelve to thirty months.

After seven years old, children lose all their teeth and grow new ones. It is only at this point that an Orthodontist can identify the specific cause of misalignment thus determining the correct type of brace. Besides, issues such as overcrowding and protruding only come after growth of permanent teeth.

Hence, placement of braces before may not be effective if overcrowding occurs after the brace set. Overbite and underbite are also treated by orthodontic braces. When the upper jaw is bigger than the lower jaw, it is referred to as an overbite. An underbite occurs when the lower jaw is bigger. This condition is known as Malocclusion.


There are numerous causes of malocclusion, uneven bite, overcrowding, and crooked teeth. Inheritance is one of the key factors that necessitate brace treatment for children. Specialists cite that kids of people that underwent an orthodontic brace procedure are more likely to experience the same. Accidents and thumb sucking are also leading causes of early loss of baby teeth thus tooth complications hence need for braces.


Standard orthodontic brace procedures take up to 30 months for patients with at least seven years. However, there are exceptions to the set guidelines. First, a patient might have malocclusion that entails severe crowding and excessive crowding. In some cases, the canines protrude dangerously out of the mouth hence the need for immediate and specialized braces that may take up to two years. Patients with such complications have to endure longer time with the braces because Orthodontists wait for complete tooth eruption before removing the braces.

Secondly, severe tooth complications impact an individual’s social life. In the case of a school going kid, a protruding or crooked tooth may attract attention that will wear down the kid’s self-esteem. In such a scenario, an Orthodontist may recommend brace treatment procedure even when the baby teeth of the patient are not out. Additionally, tooth protruding exposes an individual to danger. Especially for children, a protruded tooth can break or tear flesh on the mouth or hurt a second party considering kids are playful.

Types of Braces

There are three common types of braces, namely; stainless steel, ceramic, and plastic braces. Although orthodontists prescribe either of the brace material depending on complexity of a patient’s case, straightening and fixing misalignment are the main functions of orthodontic braces. Invisible trays are also commonly used appliances by orthodontists to fix small dental issues.

The clear material on the treatment appliances make it invisible. It is a unique treatment procedure because the trays are customized to match an individual’s tooth line.

Apart from the stainless steel, ceramic, and plastic braces that constitute of rubber bands, wires, and brackets, orthodontists also use headgears as a treatment appliance. An orthodontist can prescribe the appliance to a child depending on severity of the issue. Headgears apply more pressure on the teeth by using a horseshoe-shaped wire that ties from the back teeth. Usually, one tooth is removed to allow space in the mouth for adjustment of the targeted teeth.

After placement of braces, a parent should ensure the kid visits the Orthodontist periodically for adjustments and monitoring. Parents also have a responsibility to ensure braces of their children are kept clean. Considering braces are made of wires, food can easily get stuck hence causing more damage. Therefore, regular brushing of teeth and use of flossers is necessary.

Patients should also avoid sugary and hard foods because they can damage the braces. Properly aligned teeth help in chewing and overall oral health.

Visiting an Orthodontist

The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) suggests that a child see an orthodontist by the child’s seventh birthday. Contact Marin Ortho today to schedule a complimentary consultation.

In Marin County, Calif., you can visit Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics to have an examination and treatment from these professionals:

• Dr. Jasmine Gorton
• Dr. Bill Schmohl

An orthodontist will discuss orthodontic options with you to repair problems such as crowded teeth, crossbites or overbites. Depending on your malocclusions, you can wear one of these devices:

• Retainers
• Invisalign
• WildSmiles
• Braces with colors
• Traditional or Damon Clear

We also offer WowSmiles and Acceledent options to our orthodontic patients. Schedule an appointment by calling 415-459-8006 today.

Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics
900 Larkspur Landing Circle, Suite 200 Larkspur CA 94939 Tel: (415)-459-8006

wow smile patient paulina

At What Age Do Baby Teeth Normally Fall Out?

baby teethAt What Age Do Baby Teeth Normally Fall Out?

There is excitement all around when a child loses their first baby tooth. The appearance of the first permanent tooth represents the next stage of a child’s life. But losing that first tooth is worrisome if it occurs too early or not soon enough. You might have concerns about when your child’s baby teeth should fall out. If so, here’s some info you can use.

Losing Baby Teeth

Children rarely do anything right on schedule. You can add losing baby teeth to that list. Most children typically lose their first tooth by the time they’re 6 or 7 years old. The baby teeth then continue to fall out following the order in which they grew. However, tooth loss can occur sooner or later than expected.

It’s not unheard of for a child to lose their first tooth before their fifth birthday. That first tooth might even stick around until the child is 8 years old. This isn’t how it typically occurs, but there’s usually no cause for alarm. In most cases, when a child loses the first tooth depends on when it grew.

The first tooth usually appears by the time a baby is 6 months old. But that cute little center tooth might show up at 3 months. It’s even possible the first tooth won’t appear until after you’ve celebrated baby’s first year. Keep track of when your child grows new baby teeth. This can give you an idea of when the child is likely to start losing teeth. The sooner the first tooth appears, the sooner it will fall out.

Possible Cause for Concern

As a general rule, tooth loss shouldn’t occur before the child’s fourth birthday. Losing a tooth that soon could indicate a problem. Losing the first tooth after the seventh birthday could also mean there’s a problem. In either case, you might want to consult an orthodontist for an examination and X-rays. There’s probably nothing wrong, but it doesn’t hurt to check.

A baby tooth should remain in place until a permanent tooth is ready to appear. The permanent tooth grows below the baby tooth. Eventually, the new tooth pushes the baby tooth out into the cold. It’s also possible that your child will experience premature tooth loss. This means a baby tooth has fallen out before the growth of a permanent tooth. Perhaps the child took a hard fall or got hit with a toy.

In addition to premature loss, delayed loss can indicate a problem as well. There is a rare occurrence in which a child develops a mesiodens. That’s a fancy way of saying the child has developed one or more extra teeth. The extra teeth can block permanent teeth, and prevent them from growing normally. This abnormality occurs in about 1% of the population, and it’s a main cause of delayed loss of baby teeth.

A child can also develop two rows of teeth. Some people refer to this as shark teeth, but that’s not very nice. The child isn’t turning into a shark. It just means the baby tooth didn’t fall out when the permanent tooth grew. The result is an extra set of teeth. If the baby tooth is loose, then your child can wiggle it out with their tongue. But if the extra tooth isn’t loose, then an extraction is possibly needed.

Other problems that can affect a child’s teeth include:

  • Cavities
  • Tooth Decay
  • Gum Disease
  • Thumb Sucking

The Tooth is Loose

What happens when a child is annoyed or curious about a loose tooth? More than likely, the child will shove their fingers into their mouth to yank at the tooth. They will continue to do this no matter how many times you tell them to stop. A wobbly tooth is annoying, but germ infested little hands should stay away. And yanking on a loose tooth can make the root prone to infection.

Reassure your child that the tooth will drop out when it’s ready. It will likely happen while the child is eating or sleeping. The child can also gently wiggle the tooth using their tongue.

Note that a loose tooth isn’t always an indicator of an incoming new tooth. It’s common for a tooth to get knocked loose during playtime or during a fall. Get the child’s tooth examined to make sure the permanent tooth isn’t damaged.

Visiting an Orthodontist

The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) suggests that a child see an orthodontist by the child’s seventh birthday. Contact Marin Ortho today to schedule a complimentary consultation.

In Marin County, Calif., you can visit Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics to have an examination and treatment from these professionals:

• Dr. Jasmine Gorton
• Dr. Bill Schmohl

An orthodontist will discuss orthodontic options with you to repair problems such as crowded teeth, crossbites or overbites. Depending on your malocclusions, you can wear one of these devices:

• Retainers
• Invisalign
• WildSmiles
• Braces with colors
• Traditional or Damon Clear

We also offer WowSmiles and Acceledent options to our orthodontic patients. Schedule an appointment by calling 415-459-8006 today.

Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics
900 Larkspur Landing Circle, Suite 200 Larkspur CA 94939 Tel: (415)-459-8006