How to Care for Braces During [Pregnancy] 1

How to Care for Braces During [Pregnancy]


How to Care for Braces During Pregnancy

Seeing the positive result on a pregnancy test is an exciting, emotional, and overwhelming time in any woman’s life. Whether you were hoping this would happen or you are shocked at the result, you can’t help but feel the excitement mixed with some nerves. If you’ve been pregnant before, you know about the many different ways pregnancy affects your body and changes your life. If this is your first pregnancy, you might have a lot to learn about what to expect.

Your doctor provides you with a list of foods you can no longer eat while expecting, he or she might recommend less strenuous exercise, certain medications become off-limits, and everything in your life changes just a bit. If you have braces, it changes even more. Your oral health is more important when you’re pregnant than ever. If you develop gum disease, your baby could be born with a low birth weight, you could go into premature labor, and you could face other issues with your pregnancy and the health of your child.

It’s important you see your dentist when you become pregnant to check your oral health, and it’s even more important you call your orthodontist right away if you have braces. It’s perfectly safe to wear braces and to carry a child at the same time, but some of the care and some of the routine procedures you go through when you wear braces might change a bit with a baby on board. Don’t confuse calling your dentist with calling your orthodontist. You should call both, but it’s your orthodontist who needs to see you to discuss the importance of caring for your braces while you’re also carrying a baby.

Call Your Orthodontist

As soon as you find out you’re pregnant and ready to tell, call your orthodontist and let the office know you’re pregnant. They need to note this in your chart so they know how to handle your appointment when you come in. You might not get x-rays while pregnant, and you definitely won’t end up with certain medications or even anesthesia if work is necessary. Your orthodontist needs to know you have a baby on board, and it doesn’t hurt to remind him or her of this fact when you are in the office, too.

Spend More Time Caring for Your Teeth and Braces

Now that you have a baby on the way, your oral health is that much more important. Now is a great time to focus on really cleaning your teeth well while pregnant. Spend the entire two minutes brushing each section of your mouth twice a day. Take extra time to clean your braces, and be sure you are following the list of foods you can and cannot eat both while expecting and while wearing braces. If you have some health concerns due to your pregnancy that might also affect your braces, ask your orthodontist how to handle the situation.

Understand How Pregnancy Can Affect Braces

Your pregnancy can’t directly affect your braces itself, but it can affect your hormones. Your hormones can affect your teeth and gums, and that can affect your braces. This is a time in your life when your hormones go up, down, and around regularly. There is no telling what you might experience and when you might experience it. All you know is that at some point you might suffer from sensitive teeth and/or gums, you might find it difficult to eat certain foods because they hurt or irritate your mouth, and you might notice your braces aren’t as comfortable as they were.

While these are all normal changes during pregnancy, you are always encouraged to contact your orthodontist if you feel something is wrong. He or she might check you out and tell you everything is just fine, but there’s always a chance something isn’t right with your braces and they can fix the problem and send you home feeling a lot better.

Maintain All Dental Appointments

If you did it prior to getting pregnant, keep doing it now that you are pregnant. This means brushing, flossing, and keeping appointments with all your oral healthcare providers. If you’re scheduled for a cleaning with the dentist, go to it and let them know you’re pregnant. Your cleaning isn’t going to affect your braces or your pregnancy, but do let your dental professional know you are expecting.

If you have an appointment to let your orthodontist tighten your braces, go to the appointment. Remind them you are pregnant even if you already called because you never know if a note was missed or lost before the orthodontist had a chance to read it. Your orthodontist is here to help you navigate both braces and your pregnancy, and all you need to do is ask how that’s possible.

If you’re expecting a baby, go ahead and take your time to enjoy the excitement and the moment. There aren’t many times in your life you’ll get to feel this way as pregnancy isn’t something you experience often. However, do call your orthodontist to schedule your next appointment and to share the good news.

Fix Your Smile Today

Contact Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics today to set up your consultation. There’s no reason to put off a visit to our helpful team of professionals. It is our goal to help you make the most of your smile.

Dr. Jasmine Gorton

Dr. Bill Schmohl

When your teeth are aligned properly and your jaw is flowing smoothly, you will find more reasons to flash those pearly whites every day. Let Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics be your partner in good oral hygiene.

Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics

900 Larkspur Landing Circle, Suite 200,

Larkspur, California 94939


Does Wearing Braces Affect Lactating Mothers? 2

Does Wearing Braces Affect Lactating Mothers?

new mothers and braces


Does Wearing Braces Affect Lactating Mothers?

There is no more joyful time in a mothers life than their child’s first months of life. The stress of bearing a child is behind you and you are able to touch, smell, and kiss your perfect little package. Though, as every mother knows, the worries are just beginning. It is a mother’s duty to protect both the baby and herself. A breastfeeding mother must take care of herself because her baby’s health is dependent upon her health. Everything they ingest and everything that they do to their bodies has an effect on the child. Even medical procedures must be carefully considered by the parents. The question has been raised as to whether or not wearing braces will have an effect on a mother’s lactation. The best way to find your answer to this question is to consult with a licensed orthodontist. The following paragraphs will explore the answer to this specific question and aims to aid in your discussion with a professional.


Why Is Breastfeeding Important?

Nourishment and Immune Protection

The milk that a mother can provide for their baby is designed to satisfy all of the child’s needs. Breastfeeding is natural and evolutionarily designed to promote health throughout the child’s life. It is naturally infused with every nutrient that the baby needs throughout the first six months of life.
It also contains disease-fighting substances that help the baby fight diseases, such as;

Breastfeeding can not guarantee protection from these illnesses. However, studies have shown that they happen less often and less severely in breastfed children.

Physical Health

Breastfeeding is the baby’s first lesson in nourishment. The baby learns to eat until he or she is full. This has proven to limit the development of an eating disorder in the child. Breast milk also contains less insulin than formula. Insulin promotes the retention of fat. In contrast; formula-fed babies tend to gain more weight in the first weeks of life. This is linked to obesity later in life.

Brain Development

A number of independent researchers have found a connection between breastfeeding and increased cognitive abilities. Breastfed babies typically have higher I.Q scores and more developed vocabularies. Additionally, research has shown that breastfeeding helps preterm children’s mental development.

Emotional Health

Breastfeeding sparks one of the deepest possible emotional attachments between two humans. The mother and baby bond in a unique way that promotes emotional health for both.

What Are the Benefits for the Mother?

Mothers also benefit from breastfeeding. Mothers who breastfeed are less likely to develop postpartum depression. Nursing also triggers the release of oxytocin, which promotes relaxation. This helps a mother deal with the stress of caring for a newborn.

Data has been collected that indicates that breastfeeding lowers the risk of cancer for a mother. The research indicates that the best way to avoid breast cancer is to nurse for at least a year. The mechanism of this process is unknown but researchers believe that it has to do with the suppression of estrogen.

These benefits illustrate how important breastfeeding is for the mother, the baby, and the entire family. If breastfeeding is an option then it should be attempted. Its benefits are extensive and give your baby a plethora of advantages.

Can I Breastfeed if I wear Braces?

A mother should avoid anything that affects their milk production. The idea that wearing braces effects lactation has been around for as long as orthodontics has. Braces do not affect a mother’s milk production and are completely safe for both pregnant and nursing mothers. There are no chemicals in standard orthodontic braces that have been observed to have an effect on milk production.

Breastfeeding is one of the most important elements in the life of a mother and child. Babies who are nursed, instead of fed formula, carry its benefits throughout their lives. They are less susceptible to infections, SIDS, meningitis, and viral illnesses. Breastfed children also have been observed to have intellectual advantages. Their I.Q scores tend to be higher and they have more extensive vocabularies.

They also to have healthier eating habits and fewer occurrences of eating disorders. A mother should try to breastfeed if possible. Mothers who have braces often worry that their braces will cause lactation problems. This has not been observed to be true and orthodontists advise that braces are safe for nursing mothers and will not affect milk production.

As always, the best way to answer your questions and assuage your worries is to consult a professional orthodontist. Their years of study and extensive training make them the most reliable resource for dental and orthodontic information.

Fix Your Smile Today

Contact Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics today to set up your consultation. There’s no reason to put off a visit to our helpful team of professionals. It is our goal to help you make the most of your smile.

Dr. Jasmine Gorton

Dr. Bill Schmohl

When your teeth are aligned properly and your jaw is flowing smoothly, you will find more reasons to flash those pearly whites every day. Let Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics be your partner in good oral hygiene.

Does Wearing Braces Affect Lactating Mothers?

Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics

900 Larkspur Landing Circle, Suite 200,

Larkspur, California 94939


wow smile patient nick

What is the Best Age for Your Child to Get Orthodontic [Braces]?

bracesWhat is the Best Age for Your Child to Get Orthodontic Braces?

The world of orthodontics is ever-changing, and both children and adults can benefit from braces. If you’re a parent, you want the very best for your child, especially when it comes to their long-term appearance and smile. If your child’s teeth are crooked, you know how difficult it can be for them to feel confident and have the self-esteem that they truly need. In this case, it’s vital that you take a look at orthodontics and consider it for your own children as it is a way for them to improve their smile and increase their confidence levels.

What an Orthodontist Does

An orthodontist is there to help straighten your child’s teeth. They do this by using a range of different appliances, from retainers to braces. Because there are so many options available, it’s easy to pick and choose the treatment plan that is right for you, ensuring that your child is not only comfortable during the course of treatment, but that they get the best results possible. Your orthodontic team will begin the process by taking x-rays of the teeth and coming up with a solid plan that outlines your child’s needs and requirements. From there, they will be more than happy to work with your insurance so that you’re able to get the most out of the treatment process.

Why Children and Teens Can Benefit

One of the main reasons children and teens can benefit from orthodontic care is because it helps to improve their smile. If their teeth are crooked and misaligned, this is doing nothing for their confidence, and it can affect them in every part of their life. Also, some kids and teens have issues talking and eating because of severe misalignment issues, and it can even have an impact on the facial structure. Because of this, it only makes sense to consider orthodontic care when you are dealing with a child who needs braces.

The Best Age for Orthodontic Care

Many parents want to know what the best age is for their child to go to the orthodontist. For most parents, they will start orthodontic care around their child’s 10th or 11th birthday. Some parents don’t have their teens go for braces until they are closer to 15. It is entirely up to you and your child when it comes to when is the best time for them to get braces. If you’re noticing that your child is not mature enough to take care of their teeth, it might not be a good idea for them to get braces because it can have a negative impact on their smile for life. Also, if your child still has their baby teeth in, you should not get braces until all adult teeth have come in.

Your child may not necessarily want to get braces, so this comes down to you and the orthodontist to tell when it is time for them to have treatment done. If your child wants braces and is excited to get them, you can make an appointment with a local professional so that you and your child are able to come up with a solid treatment plan. There are a few things that come into play when it concerns a child getting braces and that has to do with whether or not all of their adult teeth are in and whether or not they are mature enough to care for their teeth while wearing braces. Your orthodontist will be able to help you determine the best age for when your child should get braces.

Appointments and Scheduling

It is crucial that when your child or teen gets braces that they keep every appointment they have made. This ensures proper care of the teeth and guarantees that they will get the best results possible. If your child is constantly missing appointments and not going when they are scheduled for tightening and fittings, they are going to prolong their treatment, which can be a major issue when it comes to both costs and results. It is important that you and your child has a way to get to the orthodontic office when you are scheduled for them to go and have work done. Most appointments are every month, so this is something for you to consider when you are getting this type of work done for your child.

Educating Your Child

It is important that you educate your child when it comes to ensuring they get the most out of their orthodontic care. You need to ensure that your child knows how to brush their teeth and make appointments each month because this is the only way for them to get the results that they need and want. You can also talk to the orthodontic team if you need help with teaching your child how to care for their teeth while they are wearing braces.

Fix Your Smile Today

Contact Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics today to set up your consultation. There’s no reason to put off a visit to our helpful team of professionals. It is our goal to help you make the most of your smile.

Dr. Jasmine Gorton

Dr. Bill Schmohl

When your teeth are aligned properly and your jaw is flowing smoothly, you will find more reasons to flash those pearly whites every day. Let Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics be your partner in good oral hygiene.

Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics
900 Larkspur Landing Circle, Suite 200, Larkspur, California 94939 415-459-8006


“I was smiling yesterday, I am smiling today and I will smile tomorrow. Simply because life is too short to cry for anything.” ― Santosh Kalwar 3

“I was smiling yesterday, I am smiling today and I will smile tomorrow. Simply because life is too short to cry for anything.” ― Santosh Kalwar


Repair Your Teeth at any Age

Santosh Kalwar is a poet who believes that life is too short for crying, and he chooses to smile each day instead. However, if you have badly misaligned teeth, then you are probably too embarrassed to smile. Today, it is easy to visit an orthodontist at any age to learn more about orthodontic treatments that can improve the positions of your teeth. Parents should bring their child to an orthodontic facility when their adult teeth begin to erupt from the gums, but teenagers can also seek treatment because most of their adult teeth are visible. Adults can also undergo orthodontic treatment to repair their bite and improve their smile.

Choose Invisalign Treatment

Having severe malocclusions of your teeth can lead to pain that makes you want to cry, but by wearing braces, you can shift the teeth to avoid headaches and jaw joint pain. You don’t need to cope with metal wires and brackets on the front of your teeth because an orthodontist can place lingual or ceramic devices on your teeth instead. If you have mild to moderate misalignments of your teeth, then request removable aligners that are made of clear plastic. With aligners, you can smile as much as you want, and no one will notice that the devices are on your teeth.

Call Us to Schedule an Appointment

In Larkspur, Calif., you can schedule an appointment with Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics with one of our expert orthodontists, including:

• Dr. Bill Schmohl
• Dr. Jasmine Gorton
• Dr. Jeff Nichelini

At our orthodontic facility, we believe in using the Wow Smile and Acceledent systems that create an individualized smile as quickly as possible. These systems work with the orthodontic treatments that we offer, including:

• Invisalign aligners
• Damon Clear
• Braces with colors
• Retainers

To schedule your first orthodontic appointment with our team, call 415-459-8006.

Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics
900 Larkspur Landing Circle,Suite 200 Larkspur CA 94939 Tel: (415)-459-8006

“I was smiling yesterday, I am smiling today and I will smile tomorrow. Simply because life is too short to cry for anything.” ― Santosh Kalwar

marin wow smile patient sydney

I Don’t Have Any Dental Problem: Should I Still Visit and Orthodontist

You’ve gotten a clean bill of health from your dentist, but does that mean there are no more oral health issues that can trip you up? No. Even if your teeth are strong, it is a good idea to check with a specialist to ensure that that your teeth are aligned correctly.

Read more

A Smile is a Powerful Weapon; You can Break Ice with it! 4

A Smile is a Powerful Weapon; You can Break Ice with it!


A Smile is a Powerful Weapon; You can Break Ice with it!

Have you ever seen one of those magicians that can tell if you are lying or not? They line up a bunch of people on stage and one of them is randomly selected to tell a lie. The magician then goes down the line asking very simple questions and he picks out the liar 100% of the time.

The magician can do this because he is trained in spotting “tells”. Everybody has tells and they can be so powerful that the FBI and border security agents are trained to spot them. But there is one social tell that is incredibly important, especially to a teenager’s confidence. And that tell is a genuine smile.

Everyone Can Tell The Difference Between A Real Smile And A Fake One

A long time ago, a French physician by the name of Guillaume Duchenne studied the smile. He found that a fake smile had a tell — the person did not smile with their eyes. A genuine smile is marked by the outside corners of the eyes raising along with the outside corners of the lips. And genuine smiles are only smiled by confident teenagers.

Genuine Smiles Make All The Difference

It’s no secret that a genuine smile is much more attractive than a fake one. In fact, a genuine smile can have an attractive power and even serve to as an icebreaker in making friends. But if a teenager is ashamed of his or her teeth, it’s going to be difficult to let out a real smile. And everyone can intrinsically spot a fake smile from across the room. This can have deleterious effects on a teenager’s social life.

Schedule an Orthodontic Examination in Larkspur Today

In Marin County, Calif., you can visit Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics to have an examination and treatment from these professionals:

• Dr. Jasmine Gorton
• Dr. Bill Schmohl

An orthodontist will discuss orthodontic options with you to repair problems such as crowded teeth, crossbites or overbites. Depending on your malocclusions, you can wear one of these devices:

• Retainers
• Invisalign
• WildSmiles
• Braces with colors
• Traditional or Damon Clear

We also offer WowSmiles and Acceledent options to our orthodontic patients. Schedule an appointmentby calling 415-459-8006 today.

Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics
900 Larkspur Landing Circle,Suite 200 Larkspur CA 94939 Tel: (415)-459-8006

A smile is a light in the window of your face that lets people know you’re at home.

A smile can brighten the darkest day! 5

A smile can brighten the darkest day!


A smile can brighten the darkest day!

A smile can be just what some people need to see to bring some happiness to their day. When people in helping professions such as medicine and teaching greet their patients and students with smiles, those people instantly feel more at ease. But studies also show that a good smile can lead to more success in life.

Smile Research

A 2012 study found that when more than 1,000 Americans were shown photos of people with straight and crooked teeth, the study participants perceived the people with straighter teeth to be wealthier and more successful. They also said they were more likely to go on a date with them. Almost 75 percent of the participants said that a good smile made them trust a person more than if that person were well-dressed or had a nice car.

Smiling is Contagious

A smile can make both the smile”r” and the people they are smiling at happier. Unfortunately, crooked teeth might make a person feel self-conscious about their smile. They might try to smile without showing their teeth or avoid smiling altogether.

Schedule an Orthodontic Examination in Larkspur Today

In Marin County, Calif., you can visit Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics to have an examination and treatment from these professionals:

• Dr. Jasmine Gorton
• Dr. Bill Schmohl
• Dr. Jeff Nichelini

An orthodontist will discuss orthodontic options with you to repair problems such as crowded teeth, crossbites or overbites. Depending on your malocclusions, you can wear one of these devices:

• Retainers
• Invisalign
• WildSmiles
• Braces with colors
• Traditional or Damon Clear

We also offer WowSmiles and Acceledent options to our orthodontic patients. Schedule an appointment by calling 415-459-8006 today.

Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics
900 Larkspur Landing Circle,Suite 200 Larkspur CA 94939 Tel: (415)-459-8006

A smile can brighten the darkest day!

A Kind Heart is a Foundation of Gladness, Making Everything in it's Vicinity Freshen Into Smiles 6

A Kind Heart is a Foundation of Gladness, Making Everything in it’s Vicinity Freshen Into Smiles


A Kind Heart is a Foundation of Gladness, Making Everything in it’s Vicinity Freshen Into Smiles

Smiling is a common gesture that lets other people know that you’re in a good mood, but what happens if you’re too self-conscious to do so? Being able to smile can help you feel happier overall. When you don’t smile, it can affect your mood and give other people the wrong impression about you.

Why Do You Avoid Smiling?

People who are shy might not smile due to embarrassment. They might not want to draw attention to themselves or have other people approach them. You don’t necessarily have to be shy to avoid smiling. Some people do so because they don’t want others to see that they have crooked teeth. These people might only smile slightly without showing teeth. They might avoid smiling altogether, which can make them feel unhappy. If you refuse to smile due to crooked teeth, our orthodontist can fix that with braces of Invisalign.

How Can You Smile Comfortably?

When crooked teeth are the reason for not smiling, having them straightened can ease your self-consciousness and boost your mood. You’ll be able to smile more and do so with confidence. Wearing Invisalign or braces helps make your teeth straighter, which allows you to flash a big smile to others. If you’re worried about how you’ll look while having your teeth straightened, keep in mind that modern orthodontic treatments are designed to look as natural as possible. This means that other people won’t be staring at your teeth while you’re wearing an orthodontic device. Once your teeth are fixed, you’ll have the added benefits of having an easier time cleaning them regularly and not having problems biting down. These treatments help improve your quality of life overall.

Schedule an Orthodontic Examination in Larkspur Today

In Marin County, Calif., you can visit Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics to have an examination and treatment from these professionals:

• Dr. Jasmine Gorton
• Dr. Bill Schmohl
• Dr. Jeff Nichelini

An orthodontist will discuss orthodontic options with you to repair problems such as crowded teeth, crossbites or overbites. Depending on your malocclusions, you can wear one of these devices:

• Retainers
• Invisalign
• WildSmiles
• Braces with colors
• Traditional or Damon Clear

We also offer WowSmiles and Acceledent options to our orthodontic patients. Schedule an appointment by calling 415-459-8006 today.

Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics
900 Larkspur Landing Circle,Suite 200 Larkspur CA 94939 Tel: (415)-459-8006

A Kind Heart is a Foundation of Gladness, Making Everything in it’s Vicinity Freshen Into Smiles

emma 1

How to Maintain Your Braces

Metal Braces

How to Maintain Your Braces

Braces are something that many people use to get a more beautiful, straighter smile. But while braces are designed to provide minimal hassle to the wearer on their journey to the smile of their dreams, you can’t exactly continue to live your life as you did before your braces went on. Braces require upkeep and care if you want them to perform to their highest efficiency.

But what exactly do you need to do differently when wearing braces? What is the correct way to maintain your braces?

Oral Hygiene and Your Braces

We all know that oral hygiene is important. Proper brushing and flossing keeps bacteria in the mouth to a minimum and can prevent tooth decay or gum disease. But when you have braces, the need for proper oral hygiene habits can increase.

Braces provide more spaces and crevices for food to get stuck in. They can make it more difficult for our toothbrush to reach the area around or gums and flossing can be a hassle with the metal bars in the way. Furthermore, the metal of the braces can cause a bleaching reaction on the teeth if not properly taken care of. If you want your braces to be removed to reveal a beautiful smile, you’ll need to properly clean your teeth, the area between your braces, and the gaps between your teeth.

Although proper oral hygiene habits can be slightly difficult with braces, they are still incredibly important – possibly even more so. Talk with your orthodontist about the best way to clean between your braces or if they have special tools to help remove all the unwanted food and bacteria.

Listen to Your Orthodontist

With each visit to your orthodontist, you will probably be given more or a new set of instructions on how to maintain your braces. This may include the use of rubber bands or other additional items created to help give you the results you’re after.

Take your orthodontist’s instructions seriously and follow through with everything you are told. While the extra step of care may seem unnecessary to you, it is a crucial step to ensuring your braces are doing their job and that they are staying on schedule.

Your orthodontist may also give you advice on how to better take care of your braces, such as new ways to clean them or recommendations for getting in hard to reach areas. While you may think your orthodontist is just being overly precautious because it is their job, they do know best.

Follow a Braces-Friendly Diet

Maintaining your braces can also come from eating a diet that won’t do damage to your teeth or the braces themselves. This usually means avoiding things that are high in sugar, high in acidity, or extremely sticky or tacky items that may pull some of your braces right from your teeth – a problem that is a hassle for everyone involved.

High sugar foods, such as sodas and candy, increase your risk of developing tooth decay. While sugar should be avoided with or without braces, because your braces make it more difficult to efficiently clean your teeth, you’re more likely to leave bits of sugar behind. If the sugar is not properly removed, your teeth may experience the consequences.

Highly acidic foods can damage your tooth enamel. Like sugar, your braces can make it difficult to remove the food completely from your teeth. While you have your braces on, it is best to stick to foods with low acidity, including bananas, milk, water, and eggs.

Choose a Mouth Guard

Playing a high contact sport with braces can cause damage to your braces, teeth, and mouth if you’re not properly protected. If you should be hit in the mouth by a ball or other player, you could break your braces, cut your mouth on the metal of the braces, or even cause damage to your teeth.

The use of a mouth guard can help protect you and your braces from any flying balls or flailing limbs. While a mouth guard purchased at a sports store would be better than nothing, a custom made mouth guard from your orthodontist can provide the best level of protection and comfort.

Not all sports would require a mouth guard. If you are involved in low contact sports such as swimming, cross country, or certain track events, you may not need a mouth guard even if you have braces. However, players of high impact sports, including football, soccer, and hockey should definitely use a mouth guard for protection.

Your braces are there to give you the smile you’ve always dreamed of having, but in order to get there, you need to put in the work to maintain them and keep your teeth healthy. With proper cleaning, protection, and care, you can have your braces removed on time to reveal a beautiful and healthy smile underneath.

Fix Your Smile Today

Contact Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics today to set up your consultation. There’s no reason to put off a visit to our helpful team of professionals. It is our goal to help you make the most of your smile.

Dr. Jasmine Gorton

Dr. Bill Schmohl

When your teeth are aligned properly and your jaw is flowing smoothly, you will find more reasons to flash those pearly whites every day. Let Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics be your partner in good oral hygiene.

Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics
900 Larkspur Landing Circle, Suite 200, Larkspur, California 94939 415-459-8006

orthodontic treatment

I Don’t Have Any Dental Problem: Should I Still Visit an Orthodontist?

smileIt is normal for individuals to visit doctors for preventative measures or to keep tabs on their general health. However, most people only visit an orthodontic clinic once they develop a problem. Very few families have insurance covering visits to these specialists. Consequently, both children and adults keep developing issues necessitating the need for their services. Understanding the scope of their work is critical in sourcing their services without any dental problems. Orthodontists are experts in the growth and development of jaws. It means they handle dental issues before and after growth in young children.

There are several oral problems children face as their teeth develop. Numerous problems are experienced during the transition from the first set of teeth to the permanent teeth. The second set of teeth is stronger and larger. The jaw takes longer when trying to adjust to the new set of teeth.

Some of the problems experienced include:

• Overbite
• Cross bite
• Open bite
• Spaced teeth
• Protrusion
• Crowding
• Mid-lines misaligned

An under bite is a jaw-related issue that occurs when the lower jaw extends out. The lower front tooth ends up sitting in front of the upper front teeth. Overbites can be uncomfortable when the lower tooth bites into the hard palette. The problem is a result of the upper front teeth extending out over the lower teeth. Bite problems eventually interfere with chewing mechanisms of food. Just like any other teeth problems, they also affect the aesthetics of the face.

Roles of an orthodontist

• Straighten crooked teeth
• Fix overbite and under bite problems
• Recommend treatments for dental -jaw problems
• Fix braces and Invisalign for both children and adults.

According to the jaw and teeth experts, these problems can be corrected in young children before the teeth grow. The experts can identify a pending problem and recommend treatment or corrective measures. An orthodontist is also capable of fixing the issue after the growth of teeth. However, it is always easier before the growth. Such preventative measures will protect your child from social teasing. Girls especially become very conscious once they reach puberty. A perfect dental formula is a requirement in beauty pageants, which girls love to participate.

What do braces fix?

Braces are used to fix teeth problems such as protruding and overcrowding. They need adjusting after every few months since the teeth moves back in place, leaving them loose. Booking regular appointments with orthodontists should be a priority. Adjusting the braces may not be a problem, but it is necessary for the proper growth of the teeth. One of their services is to correct wrongly fixed aligners which may be at times loose or too tight.

Invisalign is also common for people who do not want conspicuous metal on their teeth. They are made of a clear material that stains with time or on the intake of certain foods. Unlike other teeth aligner methods, they are changed more frequently. Orthodontic clinics offer such services to ensure the aesthetic value is maintained.

Waiting too long

Most people take long too long before their teeth are corrected. Some seek dental services early, but it is never effective. Treating dental issues such as bites requires a dental history. Orthodontists prepare such history and customize treatments based on the records and needs. General treatments are useful only to some extent, despite similar problems. Variables such as jaw strength and sensitivity require specialized treatment.

Some dental problems occur in adults due to foods they consume and injuries. The first treatment for an injured jaw is focused on correcting the damage. Later on, the jaw requires therapy to retain full use. The therapy doesn’t treat the problem but works to strengthen the jaw. Orthodontics looks at the extent of the damage and recommends the therapy procedure to be used.

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is a common problem in orthodontics. Most people are yet to understand clearly the responsibility that comes with aligners. The mouth stores a lot of bacteria which breaks down any food left in between the teeth. In the case of aligners, food left in between causes accumulation of plaque. Aligners require a particular cleaning process. It takes special tooth brushes to clean in between the brackets. Clear aligners, on the other hand, should always be removed before any meal. Proper dental hygiene can prevent such tooth decay. Children should be supervised during cleaning to ensure the cleaning is thorough.

It might be impossible to clean in between the teeth with a toothbrush. There are orthodontic floss threaders efficient for flossing with teeth aligners. Such floss is made of wax making it easy to slide in between teeth. Standard floss in most cases gets entangled between brackets and wires.

Fix Your Smile Today

Contact Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics today to set up your consultation. There’s no reason to put off a visit to our helpful team of professionals. It is our goal to help you make the most of your smile.

Dr. Jasmine Gorton

Dr. Bill Schmohl

When your teeth are aligned properly and your jaw is flowing smoothly, you will find more reasons to flash those pearly whites every day. Let Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics be your partner in good oral hygiene.

Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics
900 Larkspur Landing Circle, Suite 200, Larkspur, California 94939 415-459-8006