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At What Age Do Baby Teeth Normally Fall Out?

baby teethAt What Age Do Baby Teeth Normally Fall Out?

There is excitement all around when a child loses their first baby tooth. The appearance of the first permanent tooth represents the next stage of a child’s life. But losing that first tooth is worrisome if it occurs too early or not soon enough. You might have concerns about when your child’s baby teeth should fall out. If so, here’s some info you can use.

Losing Baby Teeth

Children rarely do anything right on schedule. You can add losing baby teeth to that list. Most children typically lose their first tooth by the time they’re 6 or 7 years old. The baby teeth then continue to fall out following the order in which they grew. However, tooth loss can occur sooner or later than expected.

It’s not unheard of for a child to lose their first tooth before their fifth birthday. That first tooth might even stick around until the child is 8 years old. This isn’t how it typically occurs, but there’s usually no cause for alarm. In most cases, when a child loses the first tooth depends on when it grew.

The first tooth usually appears by the time a baby is 6 months old. But that cute little center tooth might show up at 3 months. It’s even possible the first tooth won’t appear until after you’ve celebrated baby’s first year. Keep track of when your child grows new baby teeth. This can give you an idea of when the child is likely to start losing teeth. The sooner the first tooth appears, the sooner it will fall out.

Possible Cause for Concern

As a general rule, tooth loss shouldn’t occur before the child’s fourth birthday. Losing a tooth that soon could indicate a problem. Losing the first tooth after the seventh birthday could also mean there’s a problem. In either case, you might want to consult an orthodontist for an examination and X-rays. There’s probably nothing wrong, but it doesn’t hurt to check.

A baby tooth should remain in place until a permanent tooth is ready to appear. The permanent tooth grows below the baby tooth. Eventually, the new tooth pushes the baby tooth out into the cold. It’s also possible that your child will experience premature tooth loss. This means a baby tooth has fallen out before the growth of a permanent tooth. Perhaps the child took a hard fall or got hit with a toy.

In addition to premature loss, delayed loss can indicate a problem as well. There is a rare occurrence in which a child develops a mesiodens. That’s a fancy way of saying the child has developed one or more extra teeth. The extra teeth can block permanent teeth, and prevent them from growing normally. This abnormality occurs in about 1% of the population, and it’s a main cause of delayed loss of baby teeth.

A child can also develop two rows of teeth. Some people refer to this as shark teeth, but that’s not very nice. The child isn’t turning into a shark. It just means the baby tooth didn’t fall out when the permanent tooth grew. The result is an extra set of teeth. If the baby tooth is loose, then your child can wiggle it out with their tongue. But if the extra tooth isn’t loose, then an extraction is possibly needed.

Other problems that can affect a child’s teeth include:

  • Cavities
  • Tooth Decay
  • Gum Disease
  • Thumb Sucking

The Tooth is Loose

What happens when a child is annoyed or curious about a loose tooth? More than likely, the child will shove their fingers into their mouth to yank at the tooth. They will continue to do this no matter how many times you tell them to stop. A wobbly tooth is annoying, but germ infested little hands should stay away. And yanking on a loose tooth can make the root prone to infection.

Reassure your child that the tooth will drop out when it’s ready. It will likely happen while the child is eating or sleeping. The child can also gently wiggle the tooth using their tongue.

Note that a loose tooth isn’t always an indicator of an incoming new tooth. It’s common for a tooth to get knocked loose during playtime or during a fall. Get the child’s tooth examined to make sure the permanent tooth isn’t damaged.

Visiting an Orthodontist

The American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) suggests that a child see an orthodontist by the child’s seventh birthday. Contact Marin Ortho today to schedule a complimentary consultation.

In Marin County, Calif., you can visit Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics to have an examination and treatment from these professionals:

• Dr. Jasmine Gorton
• Dr. Bill Schmohl

An orthodontist will discuss orthodontic options with you to repair problems such as crowded teeth, crossbites or overbites. Depending on your malocclusions, you can wear one of these devices:

• Retainers
• Invisalign
• WildSmiles
• Braces with colors
• Traditional or Damon Clear

We also offer WowSmiles and Acceledent options to our orthodontic patients. Schedule an appointment by calling 415-459-8006 today.

Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics
900 Larkspur Landing Circle, Suite 200 Larkspur CA 94939 Tel: (415)-459-8006

Is It Safe to Undergo Tooth X-rays During Pregnancy? 1

Is It Safe to Undergo Tooth X-rays During Pregnancy?


Is It Safe to Undergo Tooth X-rays During Pregnancy?

If you are an expecting mom and need to get a dental x-ray done, you may be questioning whether the process can be harmful. This is especially true for women nearing the end of their pregnancy. Read on to discover the facts surrounding tooth x-rays during pregnancy so you can make the best choice for you and your baby’s health.

Why You Would Need an X-Ray

An orthodontist may need you to get a dental x-ray for a variety of reasons. One leading reason is to determine whether or not gum disease is present. X-rays are also useful for detecting underlying decay. In some cases, x-rays can also aid orthodontists in determining other issues such as how well the teeth are lining up, bone loss and serious infections. Regardless of the reason why your orthodontist has requested that you get one done, you can be sure there is a good reason behind it.

X-Rays and Pregnancy

Up until recently, many people believed that x-rays were harmful for pregnant women. The logic behind this was that the exposure to radiation could lead to complications with the embryo or fetus. People assumed that serious birth defects or deformities would occur as a result.

Fortunately, this is not the case nowadays. In fact, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) actually recommends that women who are pregnant maintain dental check-ups, cleanings and x-rays. Modern x-raying equipment uses an extremely low amount of radiation that poses a very low risk of causing health complications for both the mother and unborn baby.

If you are still feeling nervous about the radiation used during a dental x-ray, you can rest assured knowing that the risk factors are extremely low. This is because only a small amount of the body, the teeth primarily, are exposed to the radiation. In most cases, the developing embryo or fetus is not exposed to the process at all. Having one x-ray done poses an insignificant risk to your baby’s health. However, if you need several done intermittently within a short period of time, you may want to speak with your orthodontist about delaying the process until after you give birth.

Safety Precautions

Many healthcare professionals recommend wearing a lead apron or similar shielding device over your abdomen if you are pregnant during an x-ray. This tool can put your worries to rest by completely protecting the region from radiation during the process. You can speak with your orthodontist about this prior to the procedure to request one.

Postponing an X-Ray

If you are still uncomfortable with getting a dental x-ray done during pregnancy, you may want to speak with your orthodontist about the possibility of postponing the process until after you have given birth. The first trimester of development is considered to be the most vulnerable. If you are currently in it, you may be able to delay your procedure briefly until this stage of development is over.

However, you should also keep in mind that a serious infection or other issue could hinder your health and even your baby’s health if not properly dealt with. Sometimes an ultrasound can be used instead of an x-ray which would remove the risk of radiation exposure. However, only your orthodontist can determine whether this i a good option for your needs. This is a matter of determining whether the benefits outweigh the risks that you and your orthodontist must discuss prior to moving forward with a procedure.

Preventative Tips

In some cases, you may be able to avoid the need for an x-ray entirely. By taking preventative action and maintaining good oral care, you can significantly reduce your need for emergency dental procedures. Make sure you receive regular exams and cleanings to prevent decay and other issues. At-home you can do your best to avoid the need for x-rays by making sure you brush twice a day and floss thoroughly every day. Often times people do not brush for long enough, forget to get the roof of their mouth or ignore hard to reach areas. Unfortunately, these bad practices can still lead a fully committed brusher to gum disease, decay and ultimately x-rays over time. Take your time and invest in a quality electric toothbrush if needed to ensure high quality cleaning every day.

If you are worried about getting an x-ray during pregnancy, you can rest assured knowing that the risks are extremely low. The benefits associated with the procedure significantly outweigh any small chance of complications arising. By maintaining proper daily oral hygiene, you can reduce the need for emergency x-rays, dental work and the use of medications during your pregnancy.

Fix Your Smile Today

Contact Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics today to set up your consultation. There’s no reason to put off a visit to our helpful team of professionals. It is our goal to help you make the most of your smile.

Dr. Jasmine Gorton

Dr. Bill Schmohl

When your teeth are aligned properly and your jaw is flowing smoothly, you will find more reasons to flash those pearly whites every day. Let Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics be your partner in good oral hygiene.

Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics

900 Larkspur Landing Circle, Suite 200,

Larkspur, California 94939


How to Care for Braces During [Pregnancy] 2

How to Care for Braces During [Pregnancy]


How to Care for Braces During Pregnancy

Seeing the positive result on a pregnancy test is an exciting, emotional, and overwhelming time in any woman’s life. Whether you were hoping this would happen or you are shocked at the result, you can’t help but feel the excitement mixed with some nerves. If you’ve been pregnant before, you know about the many different ways pregnancy affects your body and changes your life. If this is your first pregnancy, you might have a lot to learn about what to expect.

Your doctor provides you with a list of foods you can no longer eat while expecting, he or she might recommend less strenuous exercise, certain medications become off-limits, and everything in your life changes just a bit. If you have braces, it changes even more. Your oral health is more important when you’re pregnant than ever. If you develop gum disease, your baby could be born with a low birth weight, you could go into premature labor, and you could face other issues with your pregnancy and the health of your child.

It’s important you see your dentist when you become pregnant to check your oral health, and it’s even more important you call your orthodontist right away if you have braces. It’s perfectly safe to wear braces and to carry a child at the same time, but some of the care and some of the routine procedures you go through when you wear braces might change a bit with a baby on board. Don’t confuse calling your dentist with calling your orthodontist. You should call both, but it’s your orthodontist who needs to see you to discuss the importance of caring for your braces while you’re also carrying a baby.

Call Your Orthodontist

As soon as you find out you’re pregnant and ready to tell, call your orthodontist and let the office know you’re pregnant. They need to note this in your chart so they know how to handle your appointment when you come in. You might not get x-rays while pregnant, and you definitely won’t end up with certain medications or even anesthesia if work is necessary. Your orthodontist needs to know you have a baby on board, and it doesn’t hurt to remind him or her of this fact when you are in the office, too.

Spend More Time Caring for Your Teeth and Braces

Now that you have a baby on the way, your oral health is that much more important. Now is a great time to focus on really cleaning your teeth well while pregnant. Spend the entire two minutes brushing each section of your mouth twice a day. Take extra time to clean your braces, and be sure you are following the list of foods you can and cannot eat both while expecting and while wearing braces. If you have some health concerns due to your pregnancy that might also affect your braces, ask your orthodontist how to handle the situation.

Understand How Pregnancy Can Affect Braces

Your pregnancy can’t directly affect your braces itself, but it can affect your hormones. Your hormones can affect your teeth and gums, and that can affect your braces. This is a time in your life when your hormones go up, down, and around regularly. There is no telling what you might experience and when you might experience it. All you know is that at some point you might suffer from sensitive teeth and/or gums, you might find it difficult to eat certain foods because they hurt or irritate your mouth, and you might notice your braces aren’t as comfortable as they were.

While these are all normal changes during pregnancy, you are always encouraged to contact your orthodontist if you feel something is wrong. He or she might check you out and tell you everything is just fine, but there’s always a chance something isn’t right with your braces and they can fix the problem and send you home feeling a lot better.

Maintain All Dental Appointments

If you did it prior to getting pregnant, keep doing it now that you are pregnant. This means brushing, flossing, and keeping appointments with all your oral healthcare providers. If you’re scheduled for a cleaning with the dentist, go to it and let them know you’re pregnant. Your cleaning isn’t going to affect your braces or your pregnancy, but do let your dental professional know you are expecting.

If you have an appointment to let your orthodontist tighten your braces, go to the appointment. Remind them you are pregnant even if you already called because you never know if a note was missed or lost before the orthodontist had a chance to read it. Your orthodontist is here to help you navigate both braces and your pregnancy, and all you need to do is ask how that’s possible.

If you’re expecting a baby, go ahead and take your time to enjoy the excitement and the moment. There aren’t many times in your life you’ll get to feel this way as pregnancy isn’t something you experience often. However, do call your orthodontist to schedule your next appointment and to share the good news.

Fix Your Smile Today

Contact Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics today to set up your consultation. There’s no reason to put off a visit to our helpful team of professionals. It is our goal to help you make the most of your smile.

Dr. Jasmine Gorton

Dr. Bill Schmohl

When your teeth are aligned properly and your jaw is flowing smoothly, you will find more reasons to flash those pearly whites every day. Let Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics be your partner in good oral hygiene.

Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics

900 Larkspur Landing Circle, Suite 200,

Larkspur, California 94939


Does Wearing Braces Affect Lactating Mothers? 3

Does Wearing Braces Affect Lactating Mothers?

new mothers and braces


Does Wearing Braces Affect Lactating Mothers?

There is no more joyful time in a mothers life than their child’s first months of life. The stress of bearing a child is behind you and you are able to touch, smell, and kiss your perfect little package. Though, as every mother knows, the worries are just beginning. It is a mother’s duty to protect both the baby and herself. A breastfeeding mother must take care of herself because her baby’s health is dependent upon her health. Everything they ingest and everything that they do to their bodies has an effect on the child. Even medical procedures must be carefully considered by the parents. The question has been raised as to whether or not wearing braces will have an effect on a mother’s lactation. The best way to find your answer to this question is to consult with a licensed orthodontist. The following paragraphs will explore the answer to this specific question and aims to aid in your discussion with a professional.


Why Is Breastfeeding Important?

Nourishment and Immune Protection

The milk that a mother can provide for their baby is designed to satisfy all of the child’s needs. Breastfeeding is natural and evolutionarily designed to promote health throughout the child’s life. It is naturally infused with every nutrient that the baby needs throughout the first six months of life.
It also contains disease-fighting substances that help the baby fight diseases, such as;

Breastfeeding can not guarantee protection from these illnesses. However, studies have shown that they happen less often and less severely in breastfed children.

Physical Health

Breastfeeding is the baby’s first lesson in nourishment. The baby learns to eat until he or she is full. This has proven to limit the development of an eating disorder in the child. Breast milk also contains less insulin than formula. Insulin promotes the retention of fat. In contrast; formula-fed babies tend to gain more weight in the first weeks of life. This is linked to obesity later in life.

Brain Development

A number of independent researchers have found a connection between breastfeeding and increased cognitive abilities. Breastfed babies typically have higher I.Q scores and more developed vocabularies. Additionally, research has shown that breastfeeding helps preterm children’s mental development.

Emotional Health

Breastfeeding sparks one of the deepest possible emotional attachments between two humans. The mother and baby bond in a unique way that promotes emotional health for both.

What Are the Benefits for the Mother?

Mothers also benefit from breastfeeding. Mothers who breastfeed are less likely to develop postpartum depression. Nursing also triggers the release of oxytocin, which promotes relaxation. This helps a mother deal with the stress of caring for a newborn.

Data has been collected that indicates that breastfeeding lowers the risk of cancer for a mother. The research indicates that the best way to avoid breast cancer is to nurse for at least a year. The mechanism of this process is unknown but researchers believe that it has to do with the suppression of estrogen.

These benefits illustrate how important breastfeeding is for the mother, the baby, and the entire family. If breastfeeding is an option then it should be attempted. Its benefits are extensive and give your baby a plethora of advantages.

Can I Breastfeed if I wear Braces?

A mother should avoid anything that affects their milk production. The idea that wearing braces effects lactation has been around for as long as orthodontics has. Braces do not affect a mother’s milk production and are completely safe for both pregnant and nursing mothers. There are no chemicals in standard orthodontic braces that have been observed to have an effect on milk production.

Breastfeeding is one of the most important elements in the life of a mother and child. Babies who are nursed, instead of fed formula, carry its benefits throughout their lives. They are less susceptible to infections, SIDS, meningitis, and viral illnesses. Breastfed children also have been observed to have intellectual advantages. Their I.Q scores tend to be higher and they have more extensive vocabularies.

They also to have healthier eating habits and fewer occurrences of eating disorders. A mother should try to breastfeed if possible. Mothers who have braces often worry that their braces will cause lactation problems. This has not been observed to be true and orthodontists advise that braces are safe for nursing mothers and will not affect milk production.

As always, the best way to answer your questions and assuage your worries is to consult a professional orthodontist. Their years of study and extensive training make them the most reliable resource for dental and orthodontic information.

Fix Your Smile Today

Contact Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics today to set up your consultation. There’s no reason to put off a visit to our helpful team of professionals. It is our goal to help you make the most of your smile.

Dr. Jasmine Gorton

Dr. Bill Schmohl

When your teeth are aligned properly and your jaw is flowing smoothly, you will find more reasons to flash those pearly whites every day. Let Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics be your partner in good oral hygiene.

Does Wearing Braces Affect Lactating Mothers?

Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics

900 Larkspur Landing Circle, Suite 200,

Larkspur, California 94939


Will having [teeth removed] ruin my face? 4

Will having [teeth removed] ruin my face?

Will having [teeth removed] ruin my face? 5

Will having teeth removed ruin my face?

Orthodontic treatment sometimes involves multiple strategies that all work together to help improve your smile. While you might have gone to your first visit hoping to hear that you would just need braces, you might have received a surprise when the orthodontist suggested that you have one or more teeth removed. Naturally, the news that you need to have teeth removed may leave you worried about your appearance. After all, you want to have straighter teeth so that you feel better about your smile. As you explore your options, keep in mind that orthodontists only recommend this treatment if it has benefits for improving your oral health and the aesthetics of your smile. You can also find many of the answers to your questions here so that you can make the right decisions regarding your orthodontic care.

When Is Extraction Required?

In most instances, an orthodontist’s goal is to do everything they can to save a tooth. However, there are times when this may not be possible. For example, teeth are often removed due to decay or a fracture that comprises the structural integrity. In orthodontics, teeth are sometimes removed because of problems with overcrowding. This often occurs when you have teeth along the sides that are pushing the front teeth forward so that they protrude. Removing one or more of the side teeth will sometimes allow the orthodontic appliances to be more effective at moving the protruding teeth away from the front of your mouth.

There are also times when baby teeth hang in far longer than they should. For the majority of people, all of the permanent adult teeth should have grown in by the late teens. However, you could have a primary tooth that never fell out, and it is now blocking one of your adult teeth. When this happens, removing the tooth is just doing what should have happened naturally. While this will change your appearance temporarily, your adult tooth can be moved in to take the baby tooth’s place.

Is a Tooth Removal Uncomfortable?

Any discomfort that you feel from a tooth extraction depends upon several factors such as the reason for the removal along with the location. Your personal pain sensitivity will also play a role in how you feel during and after the extraction. Let your orthodontist know if you are concerned about any pain from the tooth extraction. This way, they can use techniques such as topical numbing gels and local anesthetics to ease your pain. With any tooth extraction, you will also be given some instructions to follow to care for the site as it heals. Usually, this simply involves being careful what you eat and drink during the first few days. If a baby tooth is removed, you may not even notice any discomfort at all.

What Are the Benefits to Tooth Extraction?

When it comes to orthodontic care, it is important to weigh the benefits against the negative side effects of removing a tooth. For instance, removing a back molar will often have less of an impact upon your appearance compared to removing one in the front. Yet, the removal of any tooth causes significant changes to the jawbone as well as how the other teeth fit in the mouth. Aesthetic concerns, such as having a gap, are easily addressed by orthodontic treatment, and making sure that another tooth moves into the correct place can help preserve the jawbone.

Does This Change My Profile?

You can expect the removal of a tooth to have some minor effects on your profile. For some people, this is a positive thing since it could help improve how the profile appears if the tooth extraction helps give space for the front teeth to settle further back into the proper alignment. You should be aware that this procedure could also cause changes as you or your child grows. This is because your nose continues to grow throughout your life, and the teeth moving back may look different as you mature. This is why your orthodontist will talk to you about the potential long-term effects of removing a tooth.

You may also find that removing a tooth does not impact your appearance at all. For instance, removing a wisdom tooth is a common procedure that may be done to ensure that your new, straighter smile lasts as long as possible.

Are There Alternatives to an Extraction?

The field of orthodontics provides multiple solutions for correcting similar problems, which is always good news when you are pondering a difficult decision. Make sure that you understand all of your options to find the one that works best for you. For instance, palatial expanders can be used to create more space for your teeth by widening your smile rather than making it smaller. This is often the method of choice for those who are concerned about their appearance since it can also make your profile more aesthetically pleasing.

You can also choose to begin your orthodontic treatment without removing healthy teeth. Often, braces can be used to create more space in your mouth, and this option buys you more time to think about what you prefer. While you may still need to have a tooth removed later, seeing the reason why could give you more confidence.

At Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics, we understand how important it is to love how you look. Always reach out to us with your questions so that we can help you understand the long-term impact of all of your options for treatment.

Contact Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics

Dr. Jasmine Gorton, Dr. Bill Schmohl and Dr. Sona Bekmezian are the team behind the “WOW Smile” that Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics has become known for. As a Top 1% Provider (Aligntech) and #1 Marin Country Orthodontic practice, Drs. Gorton, Schmohl and Bekmezian focus on so much more than just your appearance goals. They bring to bear the very latest in cutting-edge orthodontic treatment in identifying how to deliver optimal oral health and a white, straight smile with the least treatment time and cost.

All three orthodontists are board certified by the American Board of Orthodontics. As a team, they are each and all together innovators who are active on the front lines of research, as well as teaching and mentoring the next generation of orthodontic practitioners and giving back to the community.

In Marin County, Calif., you can visit Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics to have an examination and treatment from these professionals:

• Dr. Jasmine Gorton
• Dr. Bill Schmohl
• Dr. Jeff Nichelini

An orthodontist will discuss orthodontic options with you to repair problems such as crowded teeth, crossbites or overbites. Depending on your malocclusions, you can wear one of these devices:

• Retainers
• Invisalign
• WildSmiles
• Braces with colors
• Traditional or Damon Clear

We also offer WowSmiles and Acceledent options to our orthodontic patients. Schedule an appointmentby calling 415-459-8006 today.

Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics
900 Larkspur Landing Circle,Suite 200 Larkspur CA 94939 Tel: (415)-459-8006

wow smile patient nick

What is the Best Age for Your Child to Get Orthodontic [Braces]?

bracesWhat is the Best Age for Your Child to Get Orthodontic Braces?

The world of orthodontics is ever-changing, and both children and adults can benefit from braces. If you’re a parent, you want the very best for your child, especially when it comes to their long-term appearance and smile. If your child’s teeth are crooked, you know how difficult it can be for them to feel confident and have the self-esteem that they truly need. In this case, it’s vital that you take a look at orthodontics and consider it for your own children as it is a way for them to improve their smile and increase their confidence levels.

What an Orthodontist Does

An orthodontist is there to help straighten your child’s teeth. They do this by using a range of different appliances, from retainers to braces. Because there are so many options available, it’s easy to pick and choose the treatment plan that is right for you, ensuring that your child is not only comfortable during the course of treatment, but that they get the best results possible. Your orthodontic team will begin the process by taking x-rays of the teeth and coming up with a solid plan that outlines your child’s needs and requirements. From there, they will be more than happy to work with your insurance so that you’re able to get the most out of the treatment process.

Why Children and Teens Can Benefit

One of the main reasons children and teens can benefit from orthodontic care is because it helps to improve their smile. If their teeth are crooked and misaligned, this is doing nothing for their confidence, and it can affect them in every part of their life. Also, some kids and teens have issues talking and eating because of severe misalignment issues, and it can even have an impact on the facial structure. Because of this, it only makes sense to consider orthodontic care when you are dealing with a child who needs braces.

The Best Age for Orthodontic Care

Many parents want to know what the best age is for their child to go to the orthodontist. For most parents, they will start orthodontic care around their child’s 10th or 11th birthday. Some parents don’t have their teens go for braces until they are closer to 15. It is entirely up to you and your child when it comes to when is the best time for them to get braces. If you’re noticing that your child is not mature enough to take care of their teeth, it might not be a good idea for them to get braces because it can have a negative impact on their smile for life. Also, if your child still has their baby teeth in, you should not get braces until all adult teeth have come in.

Your child may not necessarily want to get braces, so this comes down to you and the orthodontist to tell when it is time for them to have treatment done. If your child wants braces and is excited to get them, you can make an appointment with a local professional so that you and your child are able to come up with a solid treatment plan. There are a few things that come into play when it concerns a child getting braces and that has to do with whether or not all of their adult teeth are in and whether or not they are mature enough to care for their teeth while wearing braces. Your orthodontist will be able to help you determine the best age for when your child should get braces.

Appointments and Scheduling

It is crucial that when your child or teen gets braces that they keep every appointment they have made. This ensures proper care of the teeth and guarantees that they will get the best results possible. If your child is constantly missing appointments and not going when they are scheduled for tightening and fittings, they are going to prolong their treatment, which can be a major issue when it comes to both costs and results. It is important that you and your child has a way to get to the orthodontic office when you are scheduled for them to go and have work done. Most appointments are every month, so this is something for you to consider when you are getting this type of work done for your child.

Educating Your Child

It is important that you educate your child when it comes to ensuring they get the most out of their orthodontic care. You need to ensure that your child knows how to brush their teeth and make appointments each month because this is the only way for them to get the results that they need and want. You can also talk to the orthodontic team if you need help with teaching your child how to care for their teeth while they are wearing braces.

Fix Your Smile Today

Contact Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics today to set up your consultation. There’s no reason to put off a visit to our helpful team of professionals. It is our goal to help you make the most of your smile.

Dr. Jasmine Gorton

Dr. Bill Schmohl

When your teeth are aligned properly and your jaw is flowing smoothly, you will find more reasons to flash those pearly whites every day. Let Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics be your partner in good oral hygiene.

Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics
900 Larkspur Landing Circle, Suite 200, Larkspur, California 94939 415-459-8006


At What Age Do [Baby Teeth] Normally Fall Out? 6

At What Age Do [Baby Teeth] Normally Fall Out?

baby teethAt what Age do Baby Teeth Normally Fall Out?

Also known as deciduous or primary teeth, these are the first set of teeth in the human development and that of other diphyodont mammals. In most cases, they develop in the embryonic stage but become visible during infancy. Each baby tooth normally appears at a specific time. For example, the first upper central incisor erupts between 8 and 12 months while the lower first molar erupts when an infant is between 14 and 18 months.

Baby teeth are functional for years, and a child can be able to chew just about anything. They, however, start to fall out when the permanent teeth are ready to sprout. Just like each baby tooth appears at its own time, the falling out is also systematic and gradual. The last one usually falls out when a child is between ten and twelve years. The timeline for sprouting and shedding can, however, be different for some kids.

When do Baby Teeth Fall Out?

The average age when a baby tooth starts becoming loose is five or six years. Some children begin shedding theirs as early as four years while others start late at seven years. It is quite normal, so no parent should be alarmed. If you need further affirmation of this, you can visit the nearest orthodontist. They can clarify the matter and make you feel at ease with your child’s teeth shedding situation. You can tell your child’s tooth is loose when you notice them touching it quite a lot. A kid is more likely to tell their parent as soon as they realize they have a wiggly tooth.

The first tooth to fall out, which is normally the first one to also appear, is the lower central incisor. This happens when a child is around six or seven years. It is closely followed by the upper central incisor. These two incisors can start getting loose at the same time. Your child will be tempted to touch them all the time, so it is essential to encourage them to wash their hands before doing so. Touching teeth with dirty hands can promote the spread of bacteria in the mouth and even cause infections.

The lateral incisors; both upper and lower, are usually the next teeth to fall out. These too can loosen at the same time, or one will do so slightly earlier than the other one. It usually happens between seven and eight yrs. Observe your child and know the right time to take them to a specialist like an orthodontist for removal.

The next fall out are the first molars. These might make it hard for your child to eat, so put them on foods that are easy to chew. Also, discourage them from trying to yank them out themselves as a broken tooth might result in more problems. If it, however, happens, make sure you take them to a specialist.

Second molars are usually the last ones to fall out just like they are the last ones to erupt. They too can make it painful for your child to eat, so make sure whatever they consume is soft enough. Observe the degree of looseness and when you are sure they are ready to be pulled out, take them to an orthodontist. If you do not know when the right time is, you can still take them to the specialist as soon as they become wiggly to get an estimated time of when the orthodontist can remove them.

Preparation for Baby Teeth Falling Out

  • Avoid giving your child drinks that are too cold or too hot. Their loose teeth are sensitive at this particular point, so drinks that are at extreme temperatures may cause irritation or pain.
  • Remind your child not to yank out any loose teeth. Explain to them that doing so will result in the broken root being more vulnerable to infection, thus causing pain. Once they understand, they will be more careful when touching the wiggly tooth.
  • Start giving your child soft foods as soon as you realize they have a wobbly tooth. They may find it hard to chew hard food, and if they try too hard, the wiggly tooth may be yanked out.
  • If your child gets to about eight years without any teeth falling out, take them to an orthodontist just to ensure all is well. X-rays will be used to assess such as situation.
  • If a loose tooth fails to come out, take your child to a specialist who will pull it out using specific tools.

How to Pull Out a Tooth

If you are going to pull out your kid’s baby tooth without the help of a specialist, follow these steps:

  • Wash your hands with soap and rinse them well
  • Wiggle the loose tooth back and forth to make sure it is ready to come out
  • If it is ready, twist it slightly, and it will come out
  • Examine the gums to ensure no tooth remains are stuck in the area
  • If you notice any redness the following day or your child complains of pain, book an appointment with your orthodontist immediately


Do not ignore a loose tooth and also encourage your child to always speak up whenever they realize one is wobbly. If you notice your kid is scared about their teeth being pulled out, you will have to regularly check them until all of them are pulled out at the right time. Failure to remove wiggly baby teeth will result in the permanent teeth being crooked, a problem that your child may have to deal with even when they are adults.

Fix Your Smile Today

Contact Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics today to set up your consultation. There’s no reason to put off a visit to our helpful team of professionals. It is our goal to help you make the most of your smile.

Dr. Jasmine Gorton

Dr. Bill Schmohl

When your teeth are aligned properly and your jaw is flowing smoothly, you will find more reasons to flash those pearly whites every day. Let Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics be your partner in good oral hygiene.

Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics
900 Larkspur Landing Circle, Suite 200, Larkspur, California 94939 415-459-8006


diamond invisalign provider

How Is [Invisalign] Different from Traditional Braces?


How Is Invisalign Different from Traditional Braces?

Invisalign is a dental correction method that realigns teeth without the need for metal fixtures, brackets, or braces. The Invisalign system employs custom designed, transparent, and removable alignment fixtures. Traditional braces can be endearing, especially on children and teens. Most adults, however, don’t like the aesthetic of clunky metal fixtures attached to their mouths. Invisalign conversely is barely detectable and complements the smile while improving it. Invisalign offers additional benefits, which make this correction procedure a great option according to orthodontists.

Better Looking Teeth and Faster Results

Invisalign replaces metal braces, retainers, and headgear, while also achieving results in a hurry. Invisalign can straighten teeth effectively up to 50% more quickly than braces. The Invisalign system works in succeeding rotations, meaning that each alignment fixture replaces the previous one on a week-to-week basis. Braces conversely require uncomfortable tightening and adjustment procedures. This means more trips to the orthodontist, more deductibles paid, and more time-spent fixing what Invisalign can accomplish through its built-in adjustment rotations. Using three-dimensional imaging technology, Invisalign fixtures are tailored specifically to your teeth, jaw alignment, and mouth size, so that corrective adjustments aren’t necessary. Invisalign is designed to fit perfectly and keeping fitting perfectly throughout the adjustment procedure.

With each successive week, the aligners adjust the teeth both horizontally and vertically. Invisalign can even rotate teeth if needed. This applies the correct pressure to the areas that require modification. As time progresses, the teeth shift into perfect place without the need for additional tinkering. Invisalign uses thin but layered materials, which are firm and strong, but not clunky or heavy, like metal braces.

Invisalign Continues to Evolve Orthodontics

Braces are braces. Orthodontists have become better over time, and the effects of the metal fixtures have therefore improved, but the design, function, and materials used in braces have generally remained the same over the years. Invisalign however, continuously improves on its design and application through ongoing developments in technology and available materials, which include the following:

  • SmartTrack. SmartTrack material helps increase the dexterity of movement between teeth with constant pressure, improved elasticity, and increased precision. This material also offers improved comfort.
  • Invisalign Outcome Simulator. This application creates visual models, which are displayed chairside so that orthodontists can walk through the custom features of Invisalign procedures with patients. Thanks to this application, which relies on scanning technology, patients can see the end-results first hand instead of just imagining them.
  • ClinCheck Software. This software is designed to aid in communication and reduce the need for procedural corrections and tweaks in the planning process. With this software in place, orthodontists can more easily design Invisalign fittings with the aid of three-dimensional animation and online tools.

Fully Customizable Orthodontic Solutions

Your Invisalign plan can be mapped out while consulting with an orthodontist that will carefully review your dental scenario and examine your needs. Your teeth will then be digitally scanned or replicated using physical impression systems. A plan will then be established for treatment, which predicts and plots your timeline to a new smile. After the aligners are produced, the correction treatment generally requires a full-day application to achieve optimal results. Invisalign can be removed for brief periods, however, such as while eating or brushing teeth.

Beyond that point, you will meet with your orthodontist bi-monthly to check in and make sure everything is going smoothly. Treatment plans range between 9-15 months to complete, and most processes involve upwards of 18 different alignment fittings. Invisalign procedures are generally less painful than braces, more visually appealing, and less time-consuming. After experiencing the advantages that Invisalign provides, your family will likely never want metal braces again.

The Right Orthodontist Makes a Difference

Invisalign is an excellent treatment option, and managing the procedures correctly and professionally can positively impact your experience with the Invisalign fixtures and accompanying technology and features. However, orthodontists, like teeth, are not all alike. A qualified, patient and friendly orthodontist’s office will not only apply the procedure using best practices but also keep you and your family members informed and comfortable throughout the process.

Invisalign is highly advanced, and the breadth of detail may be overwhelming for some. Your orthodontist should carefully and clearly explain the process to you in ways that you can understand. Dental jargon may sound good during the consultation, but once chairside, kids and parents want to fully understand what’s going on, and how to manage what comes next. Maintaining your teeth through the proper use of Invisalign throughout the procedure is just as important as deciding to fix them in the first place. Your orthodontist should keep your best interests in mind, and ensure that the procedure doesn’t call for additional modifications once your timeframe has been completed.

Schedule an Orthodontic Examination in Larkspur Today

In Marin County, Calif., you can visit Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics to have an examination and treatment from these professionals:

• Dr. Jasmine Gorton
• Dr. Bill Schmohl
• Dr. Jeff Nichelini

An orthodontist will discuss orthodontic options with you to repair problems such as crowded teeth, crossbites or overbites. Depending on your malocclusions, you can wear one of these devices:

• Retainers
• Invisalign
• WildSmiles
• Braces with colors
• Traditional or Damon Clear

We also offer WowSmiles and Acceledent options to our orthodontic patients. Schedule an appointment by calling 415-459-8006 today.

Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics
900 Larkspur Landing Circle, Suite 200 Larkspur CA 94939 Tel: (415)-459-8006


What Is [Invisalign] and How Does It Work?


What Is Invisalign and How Does It Work?

Crooked teeth might seem like a minor cosmetic issue, but if they go untreated, they can turn into a big problem in the future. For better or for worse, people judge others by their appearance, and crooked teeth can make it harder to land a job or get a date. Many people also feel self-conscious about their crooked smile and avoid laughing or talking for fear that others will judge them.

If you’re concerned about your child’s crooked teeth (or even your own), there are plenty of options available for straightening them. One popular option is Invisalign. Not sure what Invisalign is or how it works? Keep reading to find out.

What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a tool for straightening teeth. In that regard, it’s similar to braces. However, there are a number of differences between Invisalign and braces.

Invisalign uses custom-made trays to straighten teeth a little at a time. These trays are made of clear plastic and are almost invisible. Chances are good that no one will even notice you’re wearing them. Many people opt for Invisalign over metal braces because they don’t want to have a “metal mouth” for months.

How Does Invisalign Work?

Invisalign straightens your teeth a little bit at a time. When you start your Invisalign treatment, your orthodontist will fit you for a custom set of aligner trays. Since these trays are made specifically for your mouth, they’ll fit perfectly over your teeth.

You’ll have to switch aligner trays every so often as treatment progresses. Usually, you’ll wear each tray for one to two weeks at a time; your orthodontist will give you precise directions for when you should switch to the next one. Each tray is designed to straighten out just one or two teeth. There’s no universal order that determines which of your teeth will get straightened first – your orthodontist will evaluate you and then decide which order will work best for you. Invisalign requires a highly personalized approach.

For Invisalign to be effective, you’ll have to wear each tray for a minimum of 20 to 22 hours every day. In other words, you’ll quickly become used to wearing them. However, Invisalign does give you a little more flexibility than braces do. Braces aren’t removable, but you can take your Invisalign tray out of your mouth to eat and brush your teeth. This prevents food or harmful sugars from getting stuck in the tray and damaging your teeth.

On average, Invisalign treatment takes about 12 months. However, the length of treatment will vary depending on each patient’s needs. Some people finish Invisalign treatment in as little as six months, while others need 18 months to straighten out their smile.

What Are the Benefits of Invisalign?

There are a lot of upsides to Invisalign. Here are some of the reasons many people prefer Invisalign to other treatments like braces.

Invisalign is nearly invisible. For many people, the biggest draw of Invisalign is that it’s hard to see. This is a major benefit for patients who are shy or self-conscious about their appearance. Unlike braces, Invisalign won’t draw attention to your smile while it’s straightening your teeth. In fact, many of the people you interact with won’t even notice you’re wearing it.

Invisalign is gradual. Braces can be painful when they’re first fitted. It’s true that Invisalign can cause some discomfort as well – it is changing the position of your teeth, after all. But Invisalign works on just one part of your mouth at a time, which can make the discomfort easier to deal with. The pain usually goes away a couple of days after switching aligner trays.

Invisalign doesn’t involve any metal or wires in your mouth. Some people with braces experience scratches or sores in their mouth from rough metal edges. Invisalign is made of plastic and is much gentler on your mouth.

Invisalign doesn’t limit what you can eat. People with braces need to be careful what they put in their mouths. Sticky and sugary foods tend to be no-gos until the braces come off. With Invisalign, on the other hand, you’ll take out your aligner tray every time you eat, so there are no limits to the foods you can consume. Just make sure to brush your teeth before you put your aligner tray back in.

Aligner trays are easy to take care of. Cleaning your aligner trays is simple – just brush them gently with water, toothpaste, or a denture cleaner.

Are You a Good Candidate for Invisalign?

Invisalign is a practical solution for many people, but it isn’t for everyone. Here are some signs that Invisalign might be a good choice for you:

  • The mouth problems you want to fix aren’t severe. Invisalign is great for fixing mild to moderate cosmetic issues, but severe problems may require a different treatment, such as braces.
  • You’re done growing. If you’re thinking about Invisalign treatment for your child, take their age into consideration. An older teenager may be a good candidate for Invisalign treatment, but if your child is under the age of 14 or 15, they may need braces instead.
  • You’re willing to make a commitment. Aligner trays must be worn for at least 20 hours a day for good results. Without dedication and patience, Invisalign won’t work very well.

Schedule an Orthodontic Examination in Larkspur Today

In Marin County, Calif., you can visit Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics to have an examination and treatment from these professionals:

• Dr. Jasmine Gorton
• Dr. Bill Schmohl
• Dr. Jeff Nichelini

An orthodontist will discuss orthodontic options with you to repair problems such as crowded teeth, crossbites or overbites. Depending on your malocclusions, you can wear one of these devices:

• Retainers
• Invisalign
• WildSmiles
• Braces with colors
• Traditional or Damon Clear

We also offer WowSmiles and Acceledent options to our orthodontic patients. Schedule an appointment by calling 415-459-8006 today.

Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics
900 Larkspur Landing Circle, Suite 200 Larkspur CA 94939 Tel: (415)-459-8006

Is Alcohol-free, Sugar-free Breath Spray Okay to Use with Invisalign? 7

Is Alcohol-free, Sugar-free Breath Spray Okay to Use with Invisalign?

breath spray


Is Alcohol-free, Sugar-free Breath Spray Okay to Use with Invisalign?

Bad breath or “halitosis” can occur for a number of reasons, even when using successful oral health products like Invisalign. Many people have been amazed at the advantages associated with using these invisible aligners. The smooth, comfortable, almost unseeable plastic braces can be worn over the teeth, while slowly and mildly shifting them into place. The treatment is carried out by a qualified orthodontist who will diligently inform the patient about the importance of oral hygiene. Still, bad breath is a real possibility and must be dealt with in the most practical way possible.

Unfortunately, despite relentless brushing and adequate dental care, bad breath can persist. Still, the majority of people wearing aligners prefer not to take them out each time they go through their oral hygiene routine. As things go, some conventional methods of refreshing breath are deemed useless; therefore, it is vital to find the right approach to combat the off-putting smell of bad breath.


Is Alcohol-Free, Sugar-Free Breath Spray Okay to Use with Invisalign?

This is a relevant question due to the association of bad breath and clear aligners. Common sense actions like frequently drinking water will certainly help; however, most people prefer something that feels more refreshing. Short of taking out the aligners each time, a simple solution is an alcohol and sugar free breath spray.

Why Use a Sugar-Free Breath Spray?

It’s common knowledge that sugar plays a huge role in the development of cavities. Although the saliva in the mouth breaks down the sugar and helps with digestion, sugar can still get trapped underneath braces. If saliva can’t reach those areas, problems can develop. Sugar-free breath sprays can halt this devastating process as sugar is not part of the product ingredients. The sugar is usually used to enhance the breath spray’s flavor; even so, it is worth the effort to search for a spray without it. Avoiding sugar in breath sprays is simply taking a necessary precaution to prevent additional issues.

Why Use an Alcohol-Free Breath Spray?

Those who like to indulge in a glass of wine or spirits may find themselves with dreadful breath in the morning. The explanation is simple, alcohol induces bad breath. The effect alcohol has on the mouth is to make it dry and decrease the production of saliva. Saliva is crucial for maintaining or balancing the bacteria in the mouth. Sprays with alcohol in them will have the opposite effect. This is the primary reason why alcohol sprays lead to bad breath. When an individual is wearing aligners, trapped alcohol will become an issue allowing bacteria to build-up until the aligners are abstracted and cleaned.

A Sugar and Alcohol-Free Spray Is the Best Solution

When searching for a breath spray to deal with halitosis, a sugar and alcohol-free brand is the best solution. If there is nothing available at a nearby pharmacy, an online search or asking the practitioner who tailored the aligners should prove quite helpful as well. A handy size spray that can easily be carried around would be ideal.

Luckily, alcohol and sugar-free sprays are common today and should not be too difficult to find. Nonetheless, the sugar-free spray taste will not be as appealing as sprays made with sugar. This could be a problem for a small child who cannot fully comprehend the reason why they can’t have the better tasting spray. Older children or adults will more than likely be able to tolerate the taste of the few squirts it takes to keep bad breath at bay.

Possible Bad Breath Causes

If bad breath persists, there could be underlying causes. The problem could be tonsil stones, a condition where clusters of calcified matter forms in the fleshy cushioned section behind the throat or tonsils. Simply put, fragments of food become stuck in the back of the throat, and as the food substance disintegrates, it causes inexorable bad breath. The aligners themselves could also be a contributor to bad breath. Occasionally, the braces are not cleaned properly causing halitosis to develop.

In some cases, severe bad breath could be hiding a more serious condition. Therefore, it’s important to mention the condition to the right professional. In this case, it would be the orthodontist who fitted the aligners. They will be able to help determine if there is another underlying cause that might be contributing to the condition.

A Few More Words for Thought

A sugar and alcohol-free breath spray is one way to approach a bad breath problem while wearing Invisalign. However, one can never be too cautious. Proper oral hygiene is essential, as bad breath can wreck havoc on an individual’s personal and social life. A great smile can be a great boost to a person’s self-esteem and fresh smelling breath is an added bonus.

Fix Your Smile Today

Contact Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics today to set up your consultation. There’s no reason to put off a visit to our helpful team of professionals. It is our goal to help you make the most of your smile.

Dr. Jasmine Gorton

Dr. Bill Schmohl

When your teeth are aligned properly and your jaw is flowing smoothly, you will find more reasons to flash those pearly whites every day. Let Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics be your partner in good oral hygiene.

Gorton & Schmohl Orthodontics
900 Larkspur Landing Circle, Suite 200, Larkspur, California 94939 415-459-8006