Orthodontic X-Rays
Radiation safety has evolved a great deal in the past two decades. Today, radiation exposure from orthodontic and dental x-rays is very low, especially with the change to digital radiography from analog radiography. However, we are still very careful and judicious in our use of x-rays.
At Marin Ortho, we take a low-dose digital 3-dimensional x-ray called a CBCT (which stands for cone-beam computed tomography). This enables us to completely visualize and evaluate the erupted and unerupted teeth, jaws, jaw joints, and airways of each patient and plan their orthodontic treatment appropriately. The radiation is extremely low relative to the impressive amount of information we are able to glean from these images. The effective dose is the same as the background radiation from spending a few days outside in the sunshine.
We use a leaded thyroid shield designed to prevent radiation exposure to the thyroid gland. The techniques and equipment we use prevent transmission of radiation to the reproductive organs.
We are concerned about radiation safety for every patient and staff member, which is why we use only the latest methods and technology. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to ask one of our team members!