Please note that routine visits during active treatment do not take the place of visits to your regular dentist. We actually recommend more frequent cleanings (every 3 months) during orthodontic treatment.
A longer appointment is typically needed at or near the beginning of orthodontic treatment for placement of appliances and/or attachments. This is followed by a series of shorter appointments for the majority of treatment and then another a longer appointment at the end for the removal of appliances.
The 2-3 longer appointments are usually done in the earlier part of the day to accommodate as many children and teens as possible after school for shorter appointments. We find that our adult patients often prefer to come in the earlier part of the day for their appointments as well.
Appointment intervals are dictated by the type of treatment or stage of treatment and can range from 3-13 week intervals with 6-8 weeks. At every appointment, we will let you know when the next appointment should be scheduled for.
Keeping appointments at the recommended intervals is an important part of finishing on time, as is taking good care of teeth, appliances and following instructions given.
To book or reschedule an appointment, call us at: 415-459-8006 or click here.
Orthodontext Reminders
It can be easy for patients to forget to wear elastics, change aligners, put on their retainers, or brush their teeth.
We have a trusted, friendly, and easy way to help with compliance: Orthodontext.
One of our team members will take care of the initial sign up process. Text reminders will be sent on the days and times you prefer to your phone or your child’s phone to remind them to use their rubber bands, wear their aligners, brush their teeth, or anything else that’s necessary, as often as you’d like. You can also change your preferences on their website below.
Active Treatment & Orthodontext